Mexican Spanish vs
Is Mexican Spanish similar to that spoken in Spain? What about Columbia? Similar to English, Spanish is shared across continents. However, unlike English, Spanish translation is a lot more labo(u)r intensive.
Mexican Spanish vs
The large number of speakers combined with the diverse use of the language across regions makes Spanish translation incredibly unique and useful to marketing teams.
For example, those living in Mexico speak Spanish differently than those in Puerto Rico, Colombia, etc.
The diversity poses several challenges for brands to market services and products within individual regions. Locality plays a huge part in captivating and maintaining Hispanic consumers throughout.
Therefore, an intimate understanding of the localized language is equally important as an awareness of the culture that drives consumer behavior.
Mexican Spanish Vs Latin America
Marketing in Latin America requires an individualized approach based on how Spanish is spoken along with understanding the culture and motivations of consumers.
Compare Burger King ads in different regions.
The exclamations relate excitement. Moreover, nutritional information reflects the concerns of consumers.
The message uses less words to convey a similar message. Fries are referred to as “papas fritas” to reflect Argentinian language and culture.
Sol does well in localizing its approach to website visitors.
This portion of content is localized for Argentina.
This is localized for Spain.
Further Reading:
Marketing in Latin America and Covid
Mexican Spanish in the United States
The challenge resonates with brands in the United States who target clusters of Hispanic consumers. For, variations exist within the US depending on the traditions and origins of inhabitants.
For example, the major LA area has a high number of inhabitants of Mexican heritage. Therefore, marketing in the Los Angeles area is most successful when adjusted for Mexican Spanish.
Many brands adopt a casual approach to marketing, using slang or idiomatic language. And, Hispanics are hip to brands recognizing the culture as long as it’s done well.
Vieja is an ambiguous word. It’s mostly used in slang to mean “my homegirl” or a close (female) acquaintance yet it directly translates to “old woman.”
Furthermore, the literal translation of “padre” is father, yet in slang it takes on a “that’s cool” or “that’s awesome” connotation.
However, learning such slang would be defunct when marketing to Hispanics in Miami. Many Hispanics in this region have Cuban roots, so Spanish translation must mirror the difference in language, culture, and consumer behavior.
McDonald’s experimented with Cuban cuisine within South Florida and elsewhere.
Mexican Spanish and Real Estate
Let’s assume we want to target the Hispanic market in the Houston, Texas region. First, let’s check the composition of Hispanics in that particular region.
There’s a large population of Hispanics of Mexican descent. Therefore, a Mexican version of Spanish would be most applicable for website copy, PPC ads, etc.
In conclusion, the translation process must reflect how Spanish is spoken in a particular region. Moreover, marketing messages must resonate with people of a particular heritage and present-day culture.
Further Reading:
English-to-Spanish Translation Tips
Spanish Translation vs Localization
Altura is based in Mexico and employs professionals fluent in English and various forms of Spanish, allowing us to offer unique marketing services to brands interested in targeting Hispanic consumers throughout the world.
Let’s talk about translating your existing web copy and ads or creating wholly originally content to captivate Hispanics in Miami, Los Angeles, Mexico, Colombia, or anywhere in the world.