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Spanish PPC

Altura specializes in Spanish PPC. We translate PPC campaign keywords from English to Spanish. It requires marketing expertise and an intimate understanding of how the Spanish language is used throughout Latin America.

Here are a few things to consider about Spanish PPC:

Google Adwords shows ads based on a user’s browser preference. So, those using Google in English may see different ads than those whose web browsers are set to Spanish. This can be advantageous OR disastrous depending on your target market’s behavior.

Spanish PPC influences prior keyword research. Some words will not translate to Spanish, and brands may need to choose broader terms overall.

Lastly, local knowledge is the key to success. Broad or generalized methods waste marketing dollars. Partner with those who understand local use of Spanish and consumer trends.

Translate PPC Campaigns

A Spanish PPC campaign is not as simple as translating your keywords from English to Spanish. To properly translate PPC keywords, consider the following:

Secondly, some English words don’t exist in Spanish. In a recent campaign, our PPC expert was given 600 English words to translate. We found just 7% were useful in using for a Hispanic PPC campaign!

Furthermore, English-to-Spanish translation often makes words longer in character length. This is important when it comes to crafting ads, page titles, product descriptions, etc. Our Spanish PPC team found words grew about 19% in character length after translation.

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Find More Hispanic Consumers

Grow your traffic and exposure in the U.S., Latin America and beyond. Gain the insights to attract Hispanic markets with the confidence that your ads captivate and convert.

Startups and Seasoned Brands Use Us

Create powerful pay-per-click ads by optimizing keywords, negative search terms and geographic modifiers. Every ad is carefully crafted to resonate with your Hispanic audience.

Gain all the insights you need to win leads in Spanish markets

Clear and consistent reporting ensures a lean ROI regarding your PPC budget. We provide you with initial and ongoing insight to make informed Spanish PPC decisions.

We Help You Click with Hispanic Markets

Brands who have benefited from our Spanish PPC campaigns

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